It's weekend, and I'm stuck here at home doing serious office work -- unfortunately scheduled to do some operational stuff for the weekend. Well at least I don't need to come to the office just to do that. I could just stay home, hook-up my laptop to the internet and I'm all set.

I find it so amazing how some people manage to find themselves in the same situation over and over again. After educating them to prevent certain things from happening, one can't help but wonder how they can be so incredibly stupid to allow the same things to happen again. Yikes!!!

It's so frustrating when you find yourself in such scenarios. You think of ways to resolve the issue, sometimes you speak with their clients on their behalf, and slightly reprimand them for allowing it to happen. You get them to promise not to let it happen ever, but not even a couple of months later, you find yourself doing the same thing again.

Oh well... clients! Don't we all wish those difficults ones would just go away? But hey, we need them. And yes, let's admit it, we find ourselves getting stronger with every difficult situation we face, every impossible issue resolved. So I guess I should just stop complaining... Nuninuninu